XYZ Textbooks is dedicated to enhancing student success in mathematics. It offers a comprehensive catalog from arithmetic to applied calculus, designed to be accessible, engaging, and affordable, supporting students of all backgrounds.
With the video image- Every example is accompanied by a video tutorial. These examples are written to be easily relatable, and the option to choose a tutor—including a Spanish-language option—allows students to explore various methods for solving the same problem. Working with peer instructors further boosts students' confidence because they feel like they have a fellow classmate pulling for their success. XYZ's video tutorials work on laptops, tablets and mobile devices.
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A nonprofit educational initiative of Rice University and leader of the new SafeInsights national education research hub. Publishing high-quality, peer-reviewed, openly licensed college textbooks that are absolutely free online and low cost in print.
XYZ Homework supports these efforts by enhancing the print quality of the textbooks, providing a low cost, high quality solution to pair online homework, creating an accessible path to a complete course. We take pride in facilitating access to affordable higher education without compromising the quality of materials.
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A leading publisher of textbooks and materials for upper level undergrad and graduate courses that span the physical sciences. A not-for-profit subsidiary of the American Institute of Physics (AIP), supporting their scientific and education purposes through scholarly publishing activities.
XYZ Homework and University Science Books are a great partnership for quality content at affordable prices to students. USB's author driven approach to content is in close philosophical alignment with XYZ Homework. Great content is created by great instructors who can bridge the gap between the classroom and textbook, and now homework platform.
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GeoGebra is a platform to connect enthusiastic teachers and students and offer them a new way to explore and learn about math. The online graphing features and animations bring math and science teachers a great tool to help their students visualize the concepts being taught.
The XYZ Homework engine integrates with the GeoGebra engine to bring a level of interactivity, engagement and visualization not available previously. GeoGebra questions can be used as classroom demonstrations or included with homework assignments or tests. Make sure to ask about GeoGebra integration during your XYZ Homework walkthrough!
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Born out of open source software created by a community college math professor in Washington state and operated by a non-profit organization. MyOpenMath is an online course management and assessment system for mathematics and other quantitative fields.
XYZ Homework is a large sponsor of this platform. Contributing to its efficiency and popularity. We continue to push this platform forward in an effort to provide the many already familiar with the platform an enhanced more feature rich experience.
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An online platform to learn and relearn topics you are expected to know in competitive STEM courses. Powered by XYZ Homework, MyMathTutor helps you prepare for success by guiding you through content required for your specific courses.
XYZ Homework believes learning is a life long process and proudly supports efforts towards continuing education, learning, and materials designed to refresh and keep you progressing through college or career.
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