for Math + Science
Proven Results
XYZ Homework brings professional open educational resources (OER) to your classroom through instructor-built courses and a dedicated, experienced support team. Partnerships with innovative publishers provide high quality eBooks for many courses.
Supplying economical, expertly written, integrated texts and online tools that help students achieve success in the classroom.
An educational, nonprofit initiative of Rice University and leader of the new SafeInsights national education research hub.
A leading publisher of textbooks and materials for upper level undergrad and graduate courses that span the physical sciences.
GeoGebra is a platform to connect enthusiastic teachers and students and offer them a new way to explore and learn about math.
MyOpenMath is an online course management and assessment system for mathematics and other quantitative fields.
A cloud-based statistics teaching tool aimed at creating better learning experiences for students and instructors.
We want to be your
Learning Platform
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